Data Analytics Solutions.

Take data-driven decisions and gain user-focused insights using our proprietary dashboard. Data analytics can help you spot trends and scale up.

Bridging the gap between

Media KPI's and Retail KPI's.

In most organizations the media teams and the retail teams sit in separate silos without much communication across the table. Using our proprietary dashboard which tracks metrics across both disciplines, we force the conversation.

Key metrics tracked within Media:

  • Return-on-ad-spend (ROAS)
  • Click-through rate (CTR)
  • Conversion rate (CVR)
  • Cost-per-click (CPC)
  • Ad-attributed revenue
  • Glance views
  • Media spend
  • Viewability

Key metrics tracked within Retail:

  • Price
  • Buy box win %
  • Weeks of supply
  • Cost of goods sold (COGS)
  • Market share
  • Sales volume
  • Item sell-in
  • Profitability
Custom Analytics

Our proprietary dashboard.

We use these dashboards to create one source of truth for Commerce. One source for the Brand Marketing team. One source for the Sales team. One source for the Finance team.

It is a destination for all KPIs to live, for knowledge to be shared, for goals to be unified and tracked, and to power media and operational decisions.

Want to get started?

We are in 68 offices in 48 markets around the world and welcome the opportunity to partner with you.

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